Parking Garage Cleaning

Parking Garage Cleaning services in Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, and Kirkland, WA. Contact us for a bid and cleaning proposal for standard pressure washing or storm water friendly reclamation pressure washing.

Environmentally and storm water friendly hot water reclamation pressure washing and industrial rotary vacuum surface cleaning.

 Whether it's new construction dust clean up, oil stain removal, a light duty spot clean & power sweep, or a full industrial hot water surface cleaning & restoration of all surfaces, we have a special cultivated expertise having successfully cleaned thousands of parking garages in Seattle, Redmond, Bellevue, Kirkland, the East Side, and the Greater Puget Sound Region.

Customize Your Scope of Work

We can provide you with light duty targeted cleaning, low cost preventative maintenance or a full restoration of all inward facing surfaces, and your multi level garages can remain in safe operation during work with no concern for leaking surfaces, carbon monoxide build up, or fire alarms and suppression systems being activated.

100% Capture/0% Discharge

Our custom built low profile hot water machines, custom low profile industrial vacuums, and working attachments give us full control of the used wash water.  

Environmentally Friendly

Parking garages being what they are, are generally places where toxic pollutants accumulate in much higher concentrations, whether it's brake and exhaust particulates or heavy metals and free oils, it is all removed and collected to be properly disposed of at industrial waste treatment facilities.


A close look at our central hot water cleaning process.  Generally speaking, there are a few tasks, some which are labor intensive, before and after this part of the process to prepare the surfaces for the central part of the work...  But as you can see, we are able to thoroughly clean every square inch of masonry, at point blank range, and maintain complete control over the path the wash water takes before it finds it's final destination at treatment and disposal...  Completely safe for existing paint and striping, and also an absolutely fantastic preparation for new paint!  After we do our work, your surfaces could not be prepped any better to make your new paint job last as long as possible, as all surface sediment that otherwise undermines long term adhesion is totally removed!



Methodology - Parking Garage Cleaning

Phase 1 Preparation:

Light Duty Spot Cleaning & Power Sweeping 

To begin with, we block up floor drains by various methods and then use traditional pressure washing wands to trim the corners and edges and to melt chewing gum and to remove other acute spot stains, using a limited amount of water that won’t pool up too drastically and begin to leak through any cracks in the floors.  After the corners and edges, any spot cleaning, and any vertical washing has been completed with traditional hand held wands and extension lances, we run leaf blowers to power sweep the floors gather up the loose excessive trash and sediment in very thorough fashion, and to collect and remove anything that would clog up our vacuum modified rotary surface cleaners.  On it’s own, this prep work is a highly effective “Light Duty” Cleaning process that removes everything except the impacted sediment in the surface pores of the body of the floors… It does however, remove it from the edges and fixtures sprayed by hand… Once all the prep work has been completed we then have the option to begin with our central process of vacuum modified rotary surface cleaning with hot water, which targets the remaining residual impacted sediment that discolors the surface of masonry of the remaining body of the floors …  This additional later step we generally refer to as “Hot Water Reclamation Pressure Washing & Industrial Surface Cleaning” is described below…

Phase 2:

Heavy Duty Industrial Rotary Vacuum Surface Cleaning


 In our central process, Mechanized Cleaning Solutions, Inch. employs a unique and highly specialized process and adapted equipment designed to surface clean hard surfaces and masonry utilizing hot, highly pressurized water, which is immediately captured.  This ensures that water does not run out into standing pools of dirty water that can leak through concrete floors into lower levels of a parking garage or to run to and enter municipal storm drains.  This can lead to costly fines from the Washington State Department of Ecology who has been tasked with enforcing and implementing the Federal Clean Water Act which was passed into law in the 1940’s and significantly expanded in the 1970‘s.  The main purpose of protecting the storm drains from anything but rain water is to help reduce acidification and pollution of local streams, lakes, and the Puget Sound since the storm water infrastructure drains directly to these “waters of the state”.  We accomplish this waste water capture on such a large scale by combining commercial grade hot water pressure washing skids with powerful gas powered positive displacement vacuum blowers and carbon steel vacuum tanks, rotary vacuum modified surface cleaners, and neoprene vacuum booms.  An additional benefit to our systems is that since the water is immediately captured we can clean one level of a parking garage without needing to evacuate any lower occupied levels, and complete your cleaning project in a phased manner allowing you to keep your garage largely in use during the working periods.

The highly pressurized and heated wash water sprays out from the rotating surface cleaner tips, impacts the surface at point blank range completely uniformly over many thousands of square feet, under an encapsulated and vacuum pressurized skirt, and is then captured via the vacuum systems, and is pulled up into the machines through the vacuum hoses.  The dirty water then goes through a sediment and sand separation process before it is stored on board the machines or pumped to a suitable holding or transport apparatus.  Depending on the situation, this might temporary storage tank placed onsite, or our native vacuum truck, before it is transported to an industrial waste water treatment plant, or discharged directly the the structure’s sanitary sewer system if local ordinances allow, or processed for disposal to sanitary sewer, back at our shop location, under our own letter of authorization administered by the King County Industrial Waste Program.  The entire process will leaves the entire structure cleaned down to bare concrete in the sense that every square inch of masonry was sprayed at point blank range within 1/3 of an inch of range by a pressurized nozzle.  It is currently the most effective and thorough cleaning process available anywhere…